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Research activities and conference papers

27th EAA Annual Meeting (Kiel Virtual, 2021)


Session "The material culture of attachment: Social bonds, childhood and emotionally important objects" (Organised by: Lipkin, Sanna, Bell, Taryn & Väre, Tiina)

  • Saara Tuovinen: Caring, compassion and clemency - A case of fictive kinship 

  • Sanna Lipkin: Fragile and resilient: Mother-infant bonds in 18th to 19th-century Finland

  • Tiina Väre: Detached mothers?

Session: "European crypt burials II - A heritage (still) at risk between science and public display (Organised by: Alterauge, Amelie, Majorek, Magdalena, Grömer, Karina, Väre, Tiina & Lipkin, Sanna)

  • Tiina Väre, Sanna Lipkin, Titta Kallio-Seppä, Juho-Antti Junno, Annemari Tranberg: Mummification, preservation, and decay in Finnish crypt burials

Additionally paper in session "Tracing baptism in the archaeological record (Organised by: Donnelly, Colm, Guillon, Mark, Murphy, Eileen & Portat, Èmilie 

  • Sanna Lipkin: Unbaptised and baptised infants and their burials in Early Modern Finland and Sweden

Conference North European Symposium for Archaeological Textiles (Organised by Sanna Lipkin, Krista Vajanto, Saara Tuovinen, Jenni Suomela & Erika Ruhl)


  • Sanna Lipkin: Welcome talk "Archaeological Textiles from Northern Finland: New Perspectives on the Past"

  • Sanna Lipkin, Ville Karjalainen & Mikko Finnilä: Micro-computed tomography of archaeological textiles – Benefits and limitations

  • Sanna Lipkin: Bobbin laces from Ostrobothnian church burials (late 17th century – early 19th century) Poster on Instagram & Facebook

Sanna Lipkin Bobbin laces from Ostrobothnian church burials (late 17th century – early 19th century) 

Various bobbin laces made from silk and plant fibers have been recorded both in archeological funerary materials and inside coffins located under the northern Ostrobothnian churches. These laces were used to decorate caps, necklines, and pillows particularly in children’s burials.

The lacing techniques used were adopted from Central Europe. It is even possible that some of the laces were made there. However, as the sumptuary laws regulated the use and trade of laces, it is more likely that they were domestic. Stockholm and Vadstena were important lacing centres from the 1600s. In the region of modern Finland lace making was established in Rauma already by 1750s.

Three silk laces were found from burials below the church of Hailuoto Island (images 2–5). The burials date between 1620 and 1756. As most of the archaeological textiles, these laces are brown even though they used to be white.

Several bast fibre laces have been found in the burials from Haukipudas Church (images 6–9). Five of these laces were studied in more detail. These have been found in burials that belong to children and were buried most likely starting the late 1750s. The last burial below the church was made in 1765 and belonged to one-week old girl.

From Keminmaa (image 10) there are adequate photographs to study the laces in one burial that belongs to an infant ca. 3–6 months of age. The type of bobbinet tulle in the coffin was manufactured beginning in 1809.  Infant was clothed in light blue silk fabric. This kind of fabrics were made in Sweden around the mid-19th century. It appears that many lace patterns remained in use for decades, if not for centuries.

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Old textiles, More Possibilities. Centre for Textile Research 15th Anniversary conference was held online 15 June 2021 

  • Krista Vajanto, Sanna Lipkin, Jenni Suomela, Ville Karjalainen & Mikko Finnilä: Medieval cotton in Finland 

Post-Medieval Archaeology Congress was held online 28–30 May 2021.

  • Sanna Lipkin was keynote panelist in the discussion “Challenges for Post-Medieval / Historical Archaeology in a Post-COVID World”

  • Sanna Lipkin & Saara Tuovinen presented a Twitter paper: "Children of the Great Wrath (1713–21): Experiences and memorization" @SannaLipkin 

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March–May 2021 Fragile mind, wellbeing and madness during the early modern and modern periods. Online lecture series

23–30 October was a festival-style weeklong celebration of contemporary and archaeology #FestivalCHAT

  • Sanna Lipkin, Tiina Äikäs and Tuija Kirkinen: Equality? Does it exist in Finnish archaeology? @SannaLipkin



Tiina Kuokkanen was a visiting researcher at the University of Copenhagen, Centre for Textile Research, Denmark, 1.2.2020-13.3.2020.

  • The original plan was to concentrate on early modern textile making from February to April, but due to the pandemic Tiina returned back to Oulu already in March.

  • Paper, Tiina Kuokkanen, Class and gender of clothing in 17th - 19th century in Oulu. Centre for Textile Research meeting, 26.2.2020

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The first Post-Medieval Archaeology Twitter Conference was held on Friday 17th and Saturday 18th April 2020.

  • Sanna Lipkin, Titta Kallio-Seppa and Tiina Väre: Public Image of a Mummy: Vicar Nikolaus Rungius (c. 1560–1629) @SannaLipkin



Pohjois-Pohjanmaan museoyhdistys ry luentosarja, November 29th, 2020

  • Sanna Lipkin: Tunteet ja lasten kuolema – Lasten hautaaminen 1700–1800-lukujen Pohjois-Pohjanmaalla


Oulun tiedepäivä 2020, Science for high school students, March 11th 2020, University of Oulu

  • Sanna Lipkin: Kauniina kuolemassakin


On 29th November "Migration" seminar was held at Oulu. Sanna Lipkin and Tiina Kuokkanen took part in the seminar with talks of future plans regarding research of memorization of Finnish American children living in Michigan during the late 19th and early 20th century, and presence of East-Karelian refugees at Varjakka sawmill area. 

On 21st and 22nd November Arkeologipäivät/Finnish Archaeologist Days were held in Lahti. Our project was present with these papers:

  • Sanna Lipkin: Amerikansuomalaisten jäljillä Michiganissa/ Finding Finnish Americans in Michigan 

  • Tiina Kuokkanen & Tiina Äikäs: Oulunsalon Varjakan sahamiljöö kulttuuriperintökohteena/Oulunsalo Varjakka sawmill as a cultural heritage site


In Lahti we took part in an excursion, walking through sites of Finnish Civil War (1918) battle field in Lahti.  These were viewed in the light of flashlights. Today this cultural heritage site is right in the middle of skiing stadium. 

Between 30th October and 1st November Sanna visited Sheffield for conference "Rebels Without a Cause? Accessing and Exploring Adolescents/Adolescence in the Past, 12th Annual Society for the Study of Childhood in the Past Conference, and presented a paper:

  • Sanna Lipkin - Heli Maijanen - Tiina Kuokkanen - Tina Väre - Matti Heino (University of Oulu, Finland): “With depleted strength and sorrow they made their way emaciated…”: The youth during the Finnish War (1808–1809)


In September Sanna Lipkin and Tiina Väre attended EAA in Bern, Switzerland. We gave a number of papers in different sessions:

  • Lipkin, Sanna - Tuovinen, Saara (University of Oulu): Juvenile social age phases in post-medieval Finland: Realities, social expectations, and cultural contexts. In session “Systematic approaches to juvenile funerary rituals. Atypical, deviant or normative? Going beyond paradigms”


  • Väre, Tiina (University of Oulu, Archaeology; University of Oulu, Cancer Research and Translational Medicine Research Unit) - Lipkin, Sanna (University of Oulu, Archaeology; SUNY at Buffalo, Department of Anthropology) - Kallio-Seppä, Titta - Tranberg, Annemari (University of Oulu, Archaeology) - Ruhl, Erika (University of Oulu, Archaeology; SUNY at Buffalo, Department of Anthropology): Burials under church floors in Finland – Folklore and practice​. In session “European crypt burials – A heritage at risk between science and public display”


  • Lipkin, Sanna (University of Oulu): Lead cloth seals from 17th to 19th century northern Finland: Fabrics and textile trade. In session: “Let the lead cloth seals speak – The production, trade and consumption of cloth in medieval and early modern Europe”


We also organised a session with Harold Mytum, Titta Kallio-Seppä and Erika Ruhl: “Ethics and practice in the excavation and analysis of historic human remains and associated cultural material” with our papers included:


  • Kallio-Seppä, Titta - Lipkin, Sanna - Tranberg, Annemari - Väre, Tiina (University of Oulu): Under-church-floor-burials in Finland: Ethical considerations of research, community archaeology, and publishing.


  • Ruhl, Erika (SUNY at Buffalo) - Tuovinen, Saara - Lipkin, Sanna (University of Oulu): Charmed lives? Children’s burials and privilege in archaeological ethics.

The Kindlifresserbrunnen, Child Eater Fountain, was made by Hans Gieng between 1545 and 1546. Bern, Switzerland. Photo: S. Lipkin

Näyttökuva 2021-1-25 kello
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